
Monday, November 25, 2013

Guard yourself against Identity Theft Frauds

Scammers are making the best use of the fact that nowadays people are largely dependent on the Internet for various things. For example, people are spending a lot of their time online buying products, chatting with family and friends, browsing information, playing games, and networking through social media websites. In the process, a lot of information is shared online, and if due precautions are not taken, the risk of identity theft increases. In the past few years, the number of masterplans complaints against online identity thefts has increased substantially and therefore you should not take this matter casually. 

You can reduce your chances of falling prey to masterplans of .com scammers simply by taking adequate precautions and staying informed. Identity theft occurs when somebody uses your personal information to open new accounts like securing a credit card or getting a personal loan. In such cases, usually the victim does not realize that they have been scammed until they start getting calls from the creditors regarding payments. Careful analysis of masterplans complaints reveal that in most of such cases, the victim has been casual with their personal information and they have not exercised the much-needed precautions to stay protected. 

So, what can you do to protect yourself from identity thefts? First and foremost thing is that you should never share your personal information with just anybody online. This does not mean that you stop creating accounts with trusted websites or you refrain from buying online; it means you become extra cautious while divulging your personal details and check the credentials of online sources before dealing with them. 
"Image courtesy of [Stuart Milles] /"

Using strong passwords and keeping them safe is another important precaution that you must exercise to stay protected. Do not use the same password for multiple accounts; if any one website has weak security, your password could be easily hacked and all your accounts would become vulnerable. It is best to use alphanumeric passwords with special characters as they are hard to crack. Moreover, never save your passwords in files on your computer or write it on a paper. What if your system gets hacked or you lose the paper. If you get a pop-up screen asking if you want to save your password, never say "yes," else the password will be saved in your system files and hackers can access it and use your identity.

The most common method used by scammers for stealing personal information is phishing. In this kind of scam, the scammer takes you to a fake website that is used for capturing sensitive information. For instance, you receive an e-mail that appears to have been sent by your bank. The sender asks you to update your personal information by clicking on the link. Once you click on the link, you are taken to a fake website that looks exactly like your bank’s website. All the data you feed there is used by the scammer to misuse your identity.
There are numerous masterplans employed by scamsters to fool the Internet users. The rising masterplans complaints make it clear that scamsters are becoming smarter and innovative day by day. You can guard yourself by exercising necessary precautions given above. Moreover, you should pay close attention to your credit card and bank account statements to check for any discrepancy.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tips on Addressing a Business Letter

The Effective Website For Your Business - 3 Important Strategies

By: Felton Wildberger
Anyone that aspires to do well on the Internet needs to have a website that is well designed and performs for them everyday. It is not possible to have an online business with a website that does not convert. It is a mistake that will lead you to failure. Finding out what is wrong with your website is essential, and instant feedback can help you accomplish this. More than likely you will have a high bounce rate (people leaving within seconds) if your site is poorly designed.

You will notice that your conversions for your offers that you send via e-mail will also be dismal. You can turn everything around if you believe, and work hard - anything is possible!

Many times, when your website visitors arrive, you will want them to do many things. Also, there is the idea of the most desired action, MDA, you want your visitors to do. Becoming more familiar with a call to action statement is how you can change this for the better. It is important that you make everything as easy to understand as possible. There really are no rules. This is not the time to be wimpy about it, either. It is important to tell people exactly what they need to do once they arrive. Don't worry about your writing abilities - as long as you convey a simple message, people will follow what you are asking them to do. 

Tie up all the easy and simple loose ends on your site so you do not lose visitors for not very good reasons. For instance, make sure visitors are able to find your contact information easily if they have questions. Depending on what you're selling, you may also want to include your terms of service, or even a privacy policy if you expect people to leave information on your site. People are also naturally curious about who the person behind the website really is. Let them know exactly who you are on a separate 'About Us' page because you know people really will want to know. These are very basic things anyone can do, but they will have a positive effect on increasing trust for your business.

The more invigorating your content is, the more likely it will be that your readers will come back to read what else you have to say. Perhaps there are other ways that you could share content with your visitors, something that does not have to be read at all? You might want to create some videos. People like to watch those! You can use a variety of options in your testing, such as adding video with your text. Your readers will be the best judge of what you have done, and you can modify based upon their reactions. People can produce podcasts, which many like to download and listen to at their leisure. And if you have a newsletter, you can fill it with old newsletters and podcasts for them to download. 

If you are able to create a plan of action, and execute it the right way, you will have a successful web business on your hands. Two separate things are usually required - the knowledge of what you need to do, and the ability to implement what you know. After you read about something, then you have to get the experience by actually doing it. To succeed online, just follow this path, and you should reap the rewards of your efforts.
To learn much more, why not pay a visit to SFM review. The Six Figure Mentors will teach you how to make money on the internet by creating a real, reputable home based business so that you may crank out money on autopilot.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Network-Marketing: How to Create an Asset

Author: Gabe DeFalcis
           Two men standing on the street corner are approached by a business man. The business man presents them with this question; 'Would you rather be given a hundred million dollars today or a penny that will double once a month for the next 48 months?' The first man chooses the penny, the second man says 'You\'re an idiot' and chooses the hundred million dollars. The businessman smiles and hands the first man a penny and writes the second man a check, then departs.  48 months later the business man asks both men to join him on cruise. As the men meet at the boat the man that chose the immediate return, the money, asks the man that chose the penny how much he\'s earned. The man smiles and responds and says '$2,814,749,767,106.55'. The first man freaks out and says 'That\'s impossible!' By now the business man has joined the duo and says 'That\'s the difference between an asset and an immediate return. The asset might not have the largest immediate payout but over the long term, if your patient, it will continue to grow and have a larger pay out and a longer pay out period in the end.'
            This is a mentality many new business owners, especially network marketers, fail to grasp. Many business owners treat their business like a sprint instead of the marathon which it is.
            While it is initially appealing to have a fast moving system due to the fast return of your initial investment, it can lead to total collapse of your system without the right maintenance.  The flaw of a system starting out with fast growth, as opposed to slow and gradually increasing growth, is that the large number of new people into the system will lack training. With network marketing training is everything! A new member should be able to fully understand the company and products or services. In a fast moving system training is often neglected due to the rapid enrolment rate.  This produces a large system of people that do not understand how the company works or the product or service being provided. In turn this creates a high drop-out rate or low retention rate. In order to create an asset a company must continually be growing and producing income. If people are leaving the system, the income and growth will halt.
Image courtesy of [Start Milles] /

            The first step in turning your network-marketing companying into an asset is education.  As soon as a new member is added to your system, they should undergo a training period.  This will ensure that all members have a thorough knowledge of how the company works and of the product or service.  A well-educated team is will produce better and stronger leads, thus producing a stronger system of members.  A system of thirty people spreading correct information and recruiting with accurate information teamed with proven strategies will produce consistent growth and higher retention rates. This will, in turn, turn your company into an asset. It is much more effective to have thirty people working towards the same goal instead of one person single handedly trying to build a business on their own. This is for two reasons.  The first of which is that word of your products or services or opportunity will spread faster and faster as more people join the system. Second, the information being spread about your company will be more factual and in depth, giving your product, service, or opportunity the appearance of legitimacy it deserves and warrants.
            As your company expands and grows with knowledgeable people, the less ground work you will have to do.  This is because those thirty well educated people will be doing the same thing as you and creating their own team of well-educated partners doing the same thing as you. Through the law of duplication if each of those people only find a train one person per month your business will double monthly. Using the example of thirty people, the law of duplication, and a little simple math at the end of a year from those initial thirty people your business will be at 122,880 well-educated people.  That is creating an asset; the company is experiencing consistent exponential growth and not going through periods of recession. There will be period of slower growth but not recession, this is because if one person falls off the rest of the company will grow cancelling out the weak point in the system.
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About the Author
Justin is a member of the Mavericks, a collective group of professional network marketers and success coaches for those interested in the business. He also has a passion for health and wellness and has built a successful business around products aimed at such. To find out more about Justin and his business check out his website.

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Online Stock Broker - How To Find The Best Online Stock Broker

Image courtesy of [Stuart Milles] /"

Author: Mika Hamilton
Online brokers have an important role to play when you open an online trading account. Each broker can offer different services and features. You must research all the online brokers to find the best broker to meet your needs. I have listed a large number of online brokers and placed their information for you to read in one easy-to-read webpage. This is a free, 'no-cost to you' service for our valued readers and can be found on this link: Best Online Stock Brokers

What to look for in an online broker.

Brokerage rates – this is the rate at which you are charged for buying or selling through your online account. These rates are usually charged based on a sliding scale. The more units you purchase in a single transaction, the less the 'cost per unit' you will pay. The exact sliding scale can vary and may sometimes be negotiable for larger purchases. Compare each broker and read the fine print within contracts. Pick the one that best meets your buying and selling style.

Account fees
– Look for hidden fees in account contracts within the terms and conditions. I know of one broker who requires an extra $10 to transfer money out of an account 'quickly' as against withdrawing money normally. Hardly a fair fee, I’d say. All fees should be listed in the terms and conditions listed in opening an account.

Phone access – Online services can go down during hours of service. Interruptions to broadband services, power outages and computer problems can stop you from accessing information you need at critical points. This is why you must have phone access to your online broker. Do not even consider using an online broker if they do not provide phone access.

Access to your money – I prefer having instant access to my money even though it is held in a cash account by the broker. Most brokers will have a cash account facility that is linked to your trading account. My account is linked to a MasterCard account, which means I can access that money anytime through any ATM or make purchases as I would normally using a MasterCard. Don’t be misled into thinking you must only have a separate cash holding account with the online broker. There are lots of options open to you as a client and good online brokers will provide several options for your cash holding account.

Extra benefits – seek out those brokers that give you extra incentives to open an account with them. Some offer a limited free brokerage period. Others will offer free reports on the markets you are interested in. These bonus offers can help you getting you account established and setup a profitable trading account. For more information on finding the best online stock broker feel free to visit our website.
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About the Author
Mika Hamilton runs a website offering free investment tips and strategies for people looking to get started in the investment world. visit for more tips and articles like this.

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Friday, November 15, 2013

9 Rules of Cash Flow

There is an old saying: "When you're out of cash, you're out of business." However cash flow can be one of
the most difficult challenges when running a small business. Knowing some basic rules of cash flow can help to free you from money worries. These ten basic rules will help you take control of your cash so you can enable your business to succeed.

Cash Is King. It's important to recognize that cash is what keeps your business alive. Manage it with great care, because it is the lifeblood of your business.

Never Run Out of Cash. Make a commitment to do what it takes to maintain cash flow. If you don't, you're out of business.

Know Your Cash Balance. Do you know what your cash balance is right now? You should. It's absolutely critical that you always know your exact cash balance. Failure is inevitable if you are making business decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information.

Daily on a Daily Basis. In other words, do today's work today. The key to knowing your cash balance is to have up-to-date information in your accounting system. Having the numbers you need, when you need them is critical.

Invoice Immediately. You can't have cash in the bank until you collect it. If there is a delay in sending out your invoices, there will be an equal delay in receiving cash. Invoice daily if you can.

Never Manage From your Bank Account Balance. Your bank balance is never a true measure of your cash. The cash in your bank account and your real cash balance are two different things. Don't make the mistake of confusing them. Attempting to mange cash flow from your bank account is a prescription for failure.

Forecast Your Cash Flow. What is your cash balance going to be like in six months? Knowing this can tell you if you are managing your business or if your business is managing you. Predicting your cash balance into the future will give you critical information you need to successfully manage your cash flow today. Be proactive in your approach to cash management.

Cash Flow Issues Don't Just Happen. It is amazing how many small businesses fail because the owner didn't recognize that they had a cash flow problem in time to do something about it. Just like any other problem, there are always signs well before cash flow issues appear. Reviewing your cash flow forecast on a regular basis will help you to prepare well in advance of having a real cash problem.

Get Expert Advice. Not all business owners are comfortable with calculating projections or conducting a trend analysis. Many times they just don't have the time. Bookkeepers, although capable, may not provide the insightful knowledge that a seasoned professional may. Wrong information can lead to wrong decisions. Have an expert (a CPA, or Financial Analyst) review your accounts to help you make the best decisions you can make for your business. It is well worth the investment.
Taking a focused and pragmatic approach to managing your cash will allow you to ultimately focus on what you want most... growing your business. That's a recipe for success.

About the Author:
Keith Mabe is Director of Operations for Charter Capital, recognized as one of the hardest working independent providers of invoice factoring for small to mid-sized businesses. Chaterc Capital offers a complete line of factoring and related financial services. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Charter Capital provides accounts receivable financing and asset-based lending for major industries including freight and transportation, consulting firms, service providers, staffing firms, distributors and manufacturers, medical service providers. Find out more at

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Make money through work from home online jobs

Author: Lisa Klain
Many of us enjoy our leisure time through internet chatting and discussing mundane issues over social networks such as twitter and Facebook. Some of us prefer to make better use of their time by earning real money through real online work from home online jobs.
It is not very difficult to search for legitimate and lucrative home online jobs. I got my dream work while searching through internet about the available opportunities to earn a living while working online. People prefer the work pattern of home jobs. Online jobs offer them full freedom to manage their work schedule and to complete the work within deadline without being coerced for doing so.
Work from home online jobs are obviously more eco-friendly than the office going jobs because you will not have to waste your time and money while driving your car to reach the office within the working hours. Since such home job doesn\'t make it essential for one to go anywhere outside, such kind of jobs are best suited for disabled person who are willing to earn respectable money while working from home.
Some of the very common types of online home jobs are writing as a freelancer, marketing for various online products, data entry jobs, blog writing, news writing, web designing, engineering designing, medical article writing, academic writing and many more. You may also start your online business with ease without needing to invest any big amount of money for starting the internet based business.
While it is easy to find online home jobs that will offer you an opportunity to work few hours a day and to earn legitimate money as a reward for your work, you will need to remain alert so that you may not fall prey to some dubious online job program. There are many respectable and honest employers who are looking forward to take help from freelance workers. There are many websites that facilitates a proper interaction between the job seekers and employers. These websites take a charge for maintaining the work logs and ensures that you will attain the right and promised amount after completing the proposed online home job.
You can attain more information about how to earn a lucrative online work from home job opportunity at the website ; the website will let you know the ways to earn good money even if you have no experience for work from home online jobs.
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About the Author

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Monday, November 11, 2013


“I believe it is my duty to make money and still more, more and to usethe money I make for the good of my fellow man according to thedictates of my conscience”
                                                                                     JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER
Money is an essential tool in our present world not necessarily in large amount but, in an amount that is adequate to allow us live a life that is comfortable and worthy in our present life and always while we are on earth. However to maximize the benefit the money have to be in significant quantity to acquire comfort of life. It is one singular thing every Tom, Dick and Harry would want to achieve. Even if they want to die because they lack it, they would still need the money. At least, someone would have to pay for the coffin.

Making money is both an art and science. It is teachable but most schools don’t teach it. Maybe, that is why many go through it brilliantly and never become rich; while many don’t go to Formal school but picks money making skills on the street and end up being rich.           

The process of making money in whatever magnitude is as stated in the diagram below.The rich men of ancient times used it and the 21st
wealth chartCentury man is still using it. These include: individuals  from King Solomon, Cleopatra, William de Warenne (1st Earl of Surrey), John D. Rockfeller, Sam Watson, Bill Gate, Warren Buffet, Lakshimi Mittal to Aliko Dangote etc.                                                              
                                                                 Article ©Richnet 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

4 ageless sayings about money

"A penny saved is a penny earned."   
Benjamin Franklin

"Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] /".

     "If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting."

       Ben Franklin

    "Money will come when you are doing the right thing.

     Mike Phillips

    I'd like to live like a poor man - only with lots of money.
    Pablo Picasso - 

"Image courtesy of [anankkml
] /"
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Importance of Teamwork

Author: Patricia Woloch
Whether in the workplace or on the football field, or even amongst members of a community, effective teamwork can produce incredible results. However, working successfully as a team is not as easy as it may seem. Effective teamwork certainly does not just happen automatically; it takes a great deal of hard work and compromise. There are a number of factors that must be in place to cohere together as a team and work seamlessly.
demostrating team work
By Easa Shamih (Flickr: Team Work) [CC-BY-2.0 (
/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

• Good leadership: Effective leadership is one of the most important components of good teamwork. The team\'s leader should possess the skills to create and maintain a positive working environment and motivate and inspire the team members to take a positive approach to work and be highly committed. An effective team leader will promote a high level of morale and make them feel supported and valued.
• Clear communication: Communication is a vital factor of all interpersonal interaction and especially that of a team. Team members must be able to articulate their feelings, express plans and goals, share ideas and see each other\'s viewpoints.
• Establishing roles: It is absolutely necessary for team members to understand what their role on the team is, what he/she is responsible for. The team leader can enable this by defining the purpose in a clear-cut manner in the beginning of the formation of the team.
• Conflict Resolution: Conflicts will arise no matter how well a team functions together. The best way to counter conflict is to have structured methods of conflict resolution. Team members should be able to voice their concerns without fear of offending others. Instead of avoiding conflict issues, a hands-on approach that resolves them quickly is much better. It is often advised that the team leader sit with the conflicting parties and help work out their differences without taking sides and trying to remain objective if possible.
• Set a good example: The team leader must set a good example for good teamwork to come about. In order to keep team members positive and committed and motivated, the team leader herself/himself needs to exhibit these qualities. The team looks to the leader for support and guidance so any negativity on the leader\'s part can be disastrous.

Regardless of what type of sales you are in, you may one day be asked to be part of a team sales effort, and knowing how to effectively work on and with a team is going to be crucial to your success and that of your team.

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About the Author
To learn more about effective sales leadership techniques please visit the website of Sales Leadership, Incorporated today.

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